Monday, October 6, 2008


We had a family home evening on Smiles today (we're using the New Nursery Lesson Manual from Church, it's great!). We decided to let the kids show us their best smiles and take a picture and post it. These aren't really their best smiles, because they had to make some crazy faces too, of course. They're still really cute. You can see Hallie's snaggle tooth. I'm going to pull that thing in the middle of the night!


Cassia said...

I agree about the Nursery manual--it's amazing how much more fun Family Home Evening is when the children actually understand the lesson. :)

reba said...

4 adorable kids with 4 adorable smiles!
Who does Grace look like most? Hallie?

Buschfest said...

Your kids are just so dang cute!!! And as usual you are putting us all to shame. Crockpot cooking, FHE, walking (instead of driving) the kids to impressive!

Ellie said...

Oh my goodness! They are so cute and when I saw Jackson's I laughed out loud! He's such a ham! ANd Miss Grace is so big...and looking kinda like Manda!

'Manda said...

You're right she does look like me. I kept thinking she looked familiar but couldn't figure out who she looked like. It's me! Why don't you send her to me in the mail?